F2 Environmental Design

Our Organic Sustainable Landscape Program utilizes a holistic approach that encourages the natural systems and growth patterns in the environment. This is done through careful scientific methodology and is centered around 7 main components:

  1. Soil Management
    Building and maintaining the soil in a manner specific to the current and desired ecosystem.
    Requires proper soil testing & analysis. A process based approach involving managing
    bacteria, fungi, microbes, and roots organically.

  2. Nutrient Cycling
    Building a closed loop system. Nutrients are reintroduced to the soil by recycling the valuable
    resources generated from the landscape through specialized methods of composting

  3. Plant Selection and Placement
    Placing the proper plant in the proper place facilitates long-term success

  4. Pest and Disease Control
    Non Toxic. Focusing on early identification and knowledge of life cycles.

  5. Irrigation Management
    Focusing on water conservation

  6. Proper Planting Techniques
    Focusing on the needs of each individual plant as well as the system as a whole.

  7. Proper Pruning Techniques
    Promoting the natural growth habit of the plant

This is a process based, as opposed to product based, approach to managing the landscape.
The foundation of this process lies in collecting the appropriate data and using this information to maintain and improve the natural balance of the landscape environment. It is extremely important to identify the individual characteristics and needs of each project in order to fulfill the performance requirements of the landscape. For example, a university campus or a public park, has a completely different performance requirement than a private or agricultural land. This desired outcome, along with the data collected in regards to plant palette, soil characteristics, macro, micro environments, and maintenance resources of the client is what F2 Environmental Design utilizes to make it's remedial recommendations.

Proper soil management and composting are at the core of this approach. Soils and compost are tested regularly in-house and sent out to independent labs for chemical, biological, and textural analysis. Liquid biological amendments (LBA) often referred to "compost tea" is one of many tools that may be useful in making biological adjustment, depending upon the particular diagnosis and need. When utilized the quality and the characteristics of the LBA must be verified with a microscope by a qualified technician. LBA are only as good as the compost utilized for infusion. It should not be confused with fertilizers. When appropriate LBA are utilized to balance microbial activity and diversity in the soil improve nutrient availability and disease suppression.


Nutrient Cycling

F2 Environmental Design's landscape design and management techniques focus on encouraging the natural nutrient cycling systems and growth habits of the plant environment. This environment - involving bacteria, fungi, microbes, and roots - is encouraged by compost and liquid biological amendments, rather than vast amounts of high nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides. This natural approach improves nutrient and moisture availability and retention, suppresses disease, aerates the soil, and degrades harmful pollutants in the environment.



1. Nutrient Retention. Beneficial organisms keep nutrients in the root zone where they are accessible by plants. Bacteria and fungi take up nitrogen and other micronutrients in the soil preventing them from being lost through leaching past the root zone and into the water supply where it will contaminate the water table.

2. Nutrient Availability. Nitrogen and other nutrients are more available for plants as a result of the action of microorganisms in the soil. Protozoa feeding upon bacteria and fungi excrete N in a very plant available form. The symbiotic relationship between fungi and roots help plants filter needed micronutrients from the soil. We are balancing microbial activity to optimize the nutrient cycling capacity.

3. Disease Suppression. Beneficial fungi and nematodes protect the roots of plants from potentially harmful organisms, which are always present in the soil.

4. Water Retention. Organic matter high in beneficial microbial diversity and activity promotes root growth thereby retaining water in the root zone long enough to be taken up by plants rather than being lost as drainage.

5. Aeration. Beneficial organisms aerate and give structure to the soil by creating air holes and drain pockets. This reduces compaction and maximizes water availability for use by plant roots.

6. Degradation of Pollutants. A diverse soil ecology includes organisms that consume (degrade) a wide range of pollutants over a wide range of environmental conditions.


Bacteria & Fungi consume leaf litter and facilitate its decay into plant available nutrients.

Bacterial-Feeding Nematodes release critical plant nutrients, such as nitrogen, through their feeding activities.

Predation by Beneficial Nematodes reduces pests, in turn improving the health of plant roots.

Mycorrhizae are a symbiotic infection between plant root and fungi, enabling the plant to metabolize critical nutrients.

By releasing pheromones, Fungi lures a root feeding nematode and consumes it.



  ©F2 Environmental Design